Exploring the world, one adventure at a time.

Hello. I’m Anna, an adventurer, author, speaker and mischief-maker. I get my kicks from exploring the world through long human powered journeys. On a mission to find the limit of my own potential, I’m hoping to help you unlock yours too. Let’s dance.


My Adventures

I’ve run, swum and cycled over 20,000 miles across this precious planet. Have a read about each adventure and transport yourself to far flung lands with tales of derring-do.


Adventure books

From tales of running the length of New Zealand, to cycling the Andes Mountains and a children’s book too. Curl up with one of my five books and let yourself be whisked away on a wild adventure from the comfort of your armchair. They’re also all available on audiobook (for people who can’t sit still).


Motivational talks

Tales of adventure shared with honestyhumour and passion. With a focus on growth mindset, resilience and adapting to change, I have a tale or two that’ll get your business or school fired up and ready to explore the limit of their own potential.


Barefoot Britain

Find out more about why I I ran the distance of 90 marathons through Britain, in my bare feet. Along the way I was joined by thousands of local runners and gave talks to the youngsters of Girlguiding.



1 day ago

⛰️ MUM’S WILD NIGHT OUT 🌙 ✨ “At 5.30pm on Tuesday evening I kiss the twins goodnight, wish Jamie good luck with bedtime and head out the front door amid toddler protests.🚙 I hop into car, fire up a podcast, slot the key in the ignition and Vroooom! I am off — heading out of Gloucester along the M5, bound for North Malvern. 🗺️ It’s a warm summer’s evening but the wind is up and the sky is thick with clouds — some of them white but many of them grey and heavy. 🌧️ I’ve got a fuzzy feeling in my tummy — it’s been there for most of the afternoon. It’s been such a long time since I’ve done something a bit mad, on my own, and I’m nervous. 😥 ‘It’s only the Malverns Anna.’ I remind myself. It’s not like I’m heading out into the wilderness, but when I turn off the motorway and those Malverns are now in front of me, they fill up the windscreen and look bloody enormous.My brain takes this new perspective as a cue to shout at me: ‘You’re going to be up there in the dark, on your own? What the heck are you doing?! What if you slip off the edge in the dark? Or fall and break your ankle and it’s the middle of the night and no one finds you. The kids need you in one piece. Go home.’I recognise these thoughts, or a version of them at least. I have had them many times before. It is as if all the thoughts I would have previously had when heading off on a six month adventure through some gigantic mountains are now being condensed down for a 21 mile jaunt through the Malverns. Same intensity. Same feeling. Same physical reaction. Smaller scale.How interesting. I think...”A section from the tale from a recent evening escape - I went for the sunset but the moon supercharged me and I crawled into bed at midnight with my soul on FIRE 🔥 !!⭐️ A full write up is in this week’s Restless Mumma Newsletter - link here to the post if you missed it: open.substack.com/pub/restlessmumma/p/mums-wild-night-out-bike-run-home ... See MoreSee Less
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